A Linux command a day (11): nl command
The nl command is used on linux systems to calculate line numbers in files.
The nl command is used on linux systems to calculate line numbers in files.
The purpose of the cat command is to concatenate files or standard input and print them.
The touch command in linux is not commonly used, but may be used when using make to modify the file timestamp, or to create a new file that does not exist.
The cp command is used to copy files or directories and is one of the most commonly used commands on Linux systems.
mv command is the abbreviation of move, which can be used to move files or rename files (move (rename) files), and is a common command under Linux system, often used to backup files or directories.
Today we will learn about the command in linux: rmdir command.
We’ve learned the command mkdir to create files and directories, and today we’ll learn the command rm to delete files and directories in linux.
The Linux mkdir command is used to create a directory with the specified name.
The pwd command is used in Linux to see the full path to the current working directory.
1. Command format. cd [directory name] 2. Command function. Switches the current directory to dirName