My girlfriend messed up with Git and almost deleted my code!
I’m sure we all use Git to manage our code, and I’ve found that we all have more or less delayed Git because we’re not familiar with it, for example
I’m sure we all use Git to manage our code, and I’ve found that we all have more or less delayed Git because we’re not familiar with it, for example
We will be sharing several ways to run background tasks under linux: &, nohup, ctrl + z, jobs, fg, bg, and screen commands.
We will share the five application scenarios for Nginx: HTTP server, static server, reverse proxy server, load balancer, and separation of static and dynamic contents.
find Some common examples of some common parameters and some specific uses and considerations.
When using the -find command with the -exec option to process matched files, the -find command passes all the matched files together to exec for execution.
find is a very common Linux command, but we usually find more than just a look, there will be further operations, this is where exec comes into play.
We often have to look for a file in linux, but we don’t know where it is, we can use some of the following commands to search for it.
The whereis command can only be used for program name searching, and only searches binary files (argument -b), man description files (argument -m) and source files (argument -s).
The find command under Linux searches for files in the directory structure and performs the specified operations.
locate allows users to quickly search for a specific file in the file system.